Turn Adversity into Triumph / by Alexander Lyadov

Falling into water, a person starts sinking.

Tripping, you begin to fall.

When an adversary tightens my throat, I gasp and want to tap.

In every case, some dark force tries to harm the victim.

There appears to be no other interpretation. Right?

In reality, the situation is as you see it.

And your perception depends on your (often hidden) beliefs.

You've gathered them throughout your life: family, books, and experiences.

Beliefs can impose limitations and distort what you see.

Fortunately, by reevaluating our beliefs, we see a different world.

Turns out, we can rely on the density of water to swim. Without its resistance, strokes, and pushes would be impossible.

Mastering the skill of micro-falls, a kid will confidently walk. 'Destructive' gravity will help him achieve any goal.

By squeezing my throat, my jiujitsu opponent got stuck and became rigid, hence vulnerable. I put my feet against him, flipped him over, and won.

Thus, the choice of 'good or harm?' is within us, not somewhere else.

To paraphrase Goethe, our aim is to turn that power that eternally wills evil to eternally do good.

Sincerely yours,


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