Movement of Body and Mind / by Alexander Lyadov

Daily physical activity is non-negotiable.

That's my rule now, but for many years, I didn't think that way.

I enjoyed intensely exercising my brain, but not my body. It seemed like they weren't connected. And I gained much higher returns on investment in one "asset" than in the other.

No, I did engage in various sports, but it was out of necessity and pressure, as if someone was standing over me with a carrot and a stick.

A transformation took place within me several years ago. It was as if my body woke up from a prolonged sleep. Timidly at first, but then more eagerly, my organism began to ask for regular physical exertion and languish without it.

I, on the other hand, was surprised to find that I no longer rushed to finish my workout. More and more often, the activity itself felt valuable. Not to mention the release of dopamine and serotonin, providing a mood boost that lasts for several hours afterward.

The most important thing was the dissolution of the misconception about the separation of mind and body. They don't just influence each other; they represent a single entity. Like with most other phenomena in life, there was originally wholeness, and the division was brought about by humans later on. It's one thing to read about it, and another thing to experience it firsthand.

I can't help but wonder, what if every moment of life was inherently valuable and filled with personal meaning, both big and small?

Yours sincerely,


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