The Curse of the Heirs / by Alexander Lyadov

The tragedy of heirs lies in their doomed inheritance. Sooner or later, they squander it all. The script remains the same for individuals, companies, or nations. Some automatically gain what generations of others have built. Yet what comes too easily is always devalued to zero.

For instance, in a society of abundance, citizens naively dismantle its foundations. What's so frightening about replacing religion with ideology, prioritizing empathy over truth, destroying the family, and defunding the police?

Alas, reality cares not whether people's illusions are persuasive. Cutting the roots starves the crown and weakens the trunk, making the system vulnerable to external shocks and threats. That's precisely what competitors, predators, viruses, and other enemies await.

So, the key question is: are we the sowers of future harvest or the heirs devouring grain reserves? A Greek proverb elevates this thought to celestial heights: 'A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.'

Yours sincerely,


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