The Detective's Curse / by Alexander Lyadov

"You know the detective's curse? The solution was right under my nose, but I was focused on the wrong clues." Martin Hart from the TV show True Detective was talking about his work, but we all know this phenomenon.

Complex problems often have simple solutions that we only realize later. Martin's words clarify why: His attention was misplaced. Something inside a person causes his (or her) gaze to slide past the solution, even when it's right in front of him.

At any given moment, the surrounding environment bombards us with countless stimuli. Yet, we only choose a fraction. Everything else is ignored as trivial or seen as a threat to our psyche.

It feels as if our subconscious guides us, saying, "Don't go there, go here." This trust didn't come out of thin air; in the past, this voice has protected us countless times.

It's not surprising that the psyche clings to time-tested convictions. The drama is that the context has changed, rendering those beliefs false.

The situation requires a person to change, sacrificing his worldview. Which is the most valuable thing he owns. To see the sought-after solution, the "detective" must willingly kill a part of himself.

Fortunately, rebirth follows, and the outdated paper map transforms into a GPS navigator. What was once unseen becomes glaringly obvious.

So, what should you do if an important problem in your business remains unsolved? Create the conditions, either on your own or with a professional, to voice and challenge your implicit beliefs.

Yours sincerely,


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