Magicians are Among Us / by Alexander Lyadov

I'm grateful fate led me to advertising early in my career. There, I discovered that magic is real. A modern wizard is a creative soul. Their power knows no bounds.

The ordinary turns into enchanting uniqueness. To make it happen, all you need is an idea. The fact that it's so ephemeral but mighty is hard to wrap your head around.

It's especially tough for conscientious, diligent, and organized folks to accept. They firmly believe that the super result is directly proportional to the labor expended.

Then, right before their eyes, a miracle unfolds. Colossal value emerges from nothing. When they ask, "How did you do it?" the creative person shrugs, "I don't know. It just struck me while I was showering."

One invests billions in innovation but ends up with a whimper. Another, without support and against all odds, creates not just a revolutionary product but a whole industry. Life constantly teaches us: "Always seek the main resource within people."

Once, humans feared fire and considered oil as dirt. But at some point, someone realized that a rock isn't just a rock; it's an axe or the tip of a throwing spear.

Many years have passed since then, and my belief in human ingenuity has only grown stronger. No matter how stuck an individual, a company, or a country is, create the right conditions for people, and a solution will emerge out of nowhere.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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