Justice or Truth / by Alexander Lyadov

Everything can change dramatically in the last moment. In the photo, the world champion in the 400m relay is outpacing her competitor. Yet, a few meters before the finish line, she stumbles and falls, dropping the relay baton, and thus letting go of the gold medal from her hands. Frustrating? Definitely. Cruel? Yes. Unfair? No. Instead of a word starting with "j," it's more fitting to use a word starting with "t." Truth is what objectively exists, regardless of our desires.

People craving justice sets themselves up for suffering. Reality will find a way to deeply disappoint them. Their perfect plan will be crushed, their contribution unappreciated, and the result of their hard work turned to dust. This is when envy, hatred, and resentment for the supposedly unjust world arise in the heart. In a biblical sense, this is the story of Cain. Here, there's just one step to violence.

An entrepreneur relies on truth, not fairness. This is significantly more challenging because the hidden pleasure of shedding responsibility for failures disappears. Fortunately, in exchange, there's the opportunity to understand the force that attempts to destroy your business. And that means not only finding ways to protect it in the future, but also turning every poison into medicine and nectar.

Sincerely yours,


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