Authentic Connection / by Alexander Lyadov

Having a weekly group therapy session has been one of the best decisions I made 4.5 years ago. Throughout this time, I've only missed or been late to it once or twice, so you can tell how important it is to me. Based on what the other participants confess, they also eagerly await our meeting. Now, you might ask: 'What can you talk about for two hours straight? What's the benefit in that?'

In regular social interactions, people usually want something from each other. It's not always a direct manipulation or a desire to sell something. They might not even realize it when they use you as a prop in the drama of their theater. In our group, participants come together to work on themselves. This is why all the usual tricks are immediately recognized and put under analysis. This creates a chance, without my distortions, to truly understand what the speaker meant. In other words, I'm finally encountering a real person, not an imagined one.

The shared pursuit of truth creates an environment that encourages experimentation. You can reveal your vulnerabilities a bit or ask a 'too direct' question. And, miraculously, this doesn't break either you or the conversation partner. This is how the staircase of trust is built, leading upwards. We move from everyday discourse to scientific, philosophical, and even religious discussions. There, on the floor of symbols and ideas, it's so much easier to be yourself because you left all the unnecessary baggage on the steps below. But the essence lies elsewhere. As we free ourselves from lies, it becomes easier to feel love for other people and for yourself. This unfamiliar state is something you want to return to again and again. If it were up to me, I'd turn these 2 hours per week into 112, or even 168.

Sincerely yours,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

"I have an important business decision to make. Can you help me?
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