What You Can Be / by Alexander Lyadov

Today, I did 1,000 squats in 15 minutes. That's 4 minutes less than the "​healthy person's norm​" that shocked me seven weeks ago from the rehab specialist at FC "Dynamo." Back then, after my knee surgery, I could barely manage to do 200 squats. He also challenged me to do wall sits for 15 minutes, but I could only handle a couple of minutes. The day before yesterday, I even surpassed that challenge.

Seeing such progress, the rehab specialist significantly upped my workout intensity. Today, I didn't just leave the gym, I crawled out. Some might see this as tough treatment, but I'm thankful to him. He's restored countless joints and ligaments for professional athletes. That's why he knows better than me what workload I can handle and what I can't. His new challenge to me isn't cruelty; on the contrary, it's a sign of trust. He sees my potential – not who I am, but who I can become.

It makes you wonder, isn't it somewhat similar in business? Like when the market takes a sharp turn and your company is heading downhill. Or when a long-time business partner files a criminal case against you, trying to snatch your common business. It seems like your familiar world suddenly, entirely, and unfairly shatters into pieces. It's easy to feel like a victim, cornered. But what if fate is actually showing respect for your character and trust that you can overcome this trial too? You might not know your potential, but fate sees through you.

Sincerely yours,


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