Entrepreneur and Analyst / by Alexander Lyadov

I don't see myself as a true entrepreneur. Especially when I think of the business founders I've worked alongside or assisted as a business therapist. Yes, I've been involved in co-founding several companies in the past. This experience has simply helped me understand the core of entrepreneurship. The distinction between us lies in where we find meaning.

Of course, every entrepreneur dreams, reflects, and plans. But ultimately, it's their actions that transform the world. Like a blacksmith shaping heated iron with a hammer's strike, giving it the desired form. In other words, even the most brilliant idea falls short. Action is needed to bring its "Wow" potential to life. It's distressing for a founder when a unique market opportunity goes to waste, lying untouched. Yet, it's a different scenario when, in the quiet of the night, they realize they've done everything for the business's growth. Then, a personal purpose fills their soul with profound satisfaction.

As for me, I'm inherently an analyst. I search for complex problems rooted in seemingly unsolvable conflicts. The process of hunting captivates me most—the pursuit, the chase, and hitting the mark. I hardly worry about how succulent a chef could make the steaks from the game or which wall will display the impressive antlers. Put simply, my goal is insight, illuminating the darkness of chaos with the light of order. The ultimate delight is when a puzzling conflict unravels with just a touch. However, I can't compel myself to integrate insights into business to earn $XX million in Y years. My mind instantly sets free the hounds of curiosity to track new problems.

Each of us creates value uniquely. Yet, it's because of our distinct differences that a fruitful alliance develops between me and entrepreneurs.

Sincerely yours,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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