Enduring the Unendurable / by Alexander Lyadov

"What really makes the submission holds work in practice is pressure over time that breaks down an opponents mental will to resist and physical ability to resist through fatigue." This advice from Brazilian jiu-jitsu champion coach John Danaher applies directly to you, even if you're miles away from the dojo.

You can endure extra load, discomfort, or pain for a short while. You just need to muster all your determination. The countdown of hours or nearing the finish line motivates us: "Push a little harder. Just a bit left. Then you can rest." It's a different story when the weight bears down on your shoulders or on your mind constantly, and there's no end in sight to this torment. The mind panics: "What if this is forever?" After all, if you multiply even moderate discomfort by infinity, it becomes unbearable.

Luckily, jiu-jitsu not only poses challenges but also provides answers. First, in a grappling match without time limits, it's crucial to find the right pace. You can gauge this by your breath - as long as it's steady, not erratic, you're doing fine. Second, you should seize every opportunity to regain strength, posture, and balance. Third, it's useful to remember that nothing is eternal, and the only constant is change. Sooner or later, any power will shift direction or exhaust itself. Your task is simply to keep the right to take part in this game. Fourth, if the pressure comes from an objective force, it's likely your opponent or competitor is just as tired as you. Maybe in a minute, their patience will snap, and they'll surrender. Fifth, even if the opponent is strong, with each passing hour, your "unusual" resistance demoralizes them more and more. They realize that if you can endure almost anything, then you have a more significant reason why. So, you're ready to go all the way to the very end.

Sincerely yours,


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