Imperfect Opportunities / by Alexander Lyadov

We tend to expect miracles and dream big.

The problem is, these dreams can block our view of reality.

While we're daydreaming, we're missing what's right before us.

The amazing opportunities are begging for our attention.

Some are so bold as to tap us on the shoulder and pull at our sleeves.

And we brush them off, saying, "Don't bother me, I'm building castles in the air."

Truth is, these current opportunities don't look anything like a shimmering ideal.

They're usually messy, awkward, and rough around the edges, i.e., imperfect.

But if you take a closer look, their availability and usefulness are astonishing.

No, it's not a magical elixir turning our lives into paradise.

Instead, it's a hearty drink helping us survive here and now.

Life doesn't give us what we want, but what we truly need.

So, to suffer less, we need to be a little bit more grateful.

Sincerely yours,


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