Conflict: Inside or Outside? / by Alexander Lyadov

"When an individual does not become conscious of their inner contradictions, the world acts out the conflict and is torn in opposite halves," wisely pointed out Carl Jung.

If we perceive ourselves as separate and autonomous beings, Jung's statement may seem perplexing. What does the world have to do with me?

However, the philosopher Eugene Gendlin believed that the process of interaction between a living being and its environment comes first. The nature of this process determines the kind of being one becomes. For instance, our lungs only make sense because there is an Earth's atmosphere.

In this light, the division between internal and external conflict is arbitrary. What unfolds outside simultaneously exists within. You are the conflict, and the conflict is you.

So why be surprised that a conflict replays itself over and over? The scenery, participants, and time may change, but the essence remains the same. The plot will play on endlessly until someone says, "Stop!"

Only someone who:

  1. recognizes the problem's presence,

  2. takes responsibility for what's happening,

  3. is determined to find a solution no matter what.

But why and how does one become aware of their inner conflict? After all, for so long it was convenient to believe that the problem lay with other people, the state, circumstances and so forth.

You must get tired of seeing the same story over and over again. The question "Why is this happening to me again?" is the beginning of a new stage.

Sincerely yours,


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