Worry Annihilator / by Alexander Lyadov

One question can rid you of needless worries.

Remember it when someone panics or pressures you.

Ask: 'What's the potential harm here?'

Then press for a clear answer, keeping the question on track.

Most times, you'll find no real reason to worry.

At most, it's like that joke: 'Yeah, it's bad, but not 'end-of-the-world' bad.'

Our biggest fear often lurks in the pitch-black darkness, hunting us down.

It's the meta-image of a fanged, venomous, fire-breathing death.

Those fiery eyes? Just a harmless raccoon, a man-eating bear, or...?

But as soon as you figure out, 'Oh, it's X!,' there is a relief.

Next, lay out the likely damage from a collision with X.

Have you noticed how the problem quietly turns into a task?

The rest is easy. Task management is what our minds are very good at.

Sincerely yours,


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