Getting Rid of Many Problems / by Alexander Lyadov

The problem becomes a task when you have only one.

Especially if it's meticulously studied and clearly formulated.

Then your whole being, in the spirit of Zen, takes the form of a question.

With such focused attention, the answer inevitably reveals itself.

It's a different story when there are several problems, let alone many.

Like a pack of predators, they tear your consciousness apart.

There's neither strength nor time to evaluate their size, risk, and essence.

All that's left is to hope for a miracle, which, as we know, isn't a strategy.

Amidst all this chaos, it's useful to remember one saving secret:

In complex systems, most problems are interconnected.

Moreover, one or two of them serve as the source of all the others.

Therefore, your meta-task is clear—to quickly find the root cause.

This, too, is not easy, but now you have both direction and meaning.

Yours sincerely,


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