Perception Shift / by Alexander Lyadov

I came across a ​video​ of a seagull swallowing a whole squirrel.

Not fish, not insects, nor shrimps, but a rodent the size of a bird itself.

Before, I had seen a ​deer​ relishing a snake and a ​donkey​ munching on a rabbit.

I admit, my perception of these adorable animals changed drastically.

Our minds are incapable of comprehending every existing phenomenon.

The mind must rely not on reality, but on its representation.

It is often formed by others' descriptions, rarely by our own experience.

But a representation, like a photograph, is inherently poorer than the original.

Therefore, real contact with a phenomenon often shocks us.

As a result, our worldview may waver or even collapse.

For instance, it happens when a business partner betrays a founder.

After years of working together, the founder failed to see the other's true essence.

More precisely, there were always strange facts, but they didn't fit into the founder's perception of the partner, so they were ignored.

There is only one way to avoid pain, bitterness, and losses.

We must strive to see things as they truly are.

Remembering that all our concepts are flawed or false.

Yours sincerely,


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