Freeride Entrepreneurship: Danger or Fun / by Alexander Lyadov

Unknown artist

Freeride snowboarding in untouched snow is an exhilarating experience: a sunny day, the ringing silence, and the beauty of wild nature. However, one mistake can turn  turn paradise into hell into hell. Being trapped upside down in a snowdrift is a death sentence by suffocation if no one is nearby to help.

In the city, there is almost always some service that will either come to help in time or provide a warning sign or fence to prevent danger. However, in the wilderness, people tend to act as if there are safety ropes everywhere. Nature does not care about individuals; it only stimulates natural selection. Its especially bad if a snowboarder decides that he can deal with any problems himself and goes snowboarding alone.This is pride, which is considered the cause of all other sins in both Islam and Orthodoxy. In ancient tradition, hubris (arrogance, boldness, insolence) is perceived by the gods as a challenge thrown at them, and they punish it with sudden disappearance of luck.

In the business world, most people spend their time on ski resorts, using lifts and skiing along prepared slopes. However, it is on untouched snow that the full potential of both the snowboard and the rider is unleashed. Thus, entrepreneurs venture into places where no one has ever set foot in search of achievement, adrenaline, and meaning. Many eventually find what they are looking for, but only if, first and foremost, they remember the treacherous nature of the environment that can both reward and destroy them in an instant. Secondly, even the strongest of them are alien to pride. They consciously seek support, whether it be a community of entrepreneurs, a board of directors, a business partner, a coach, or a psychotherapist.

Yours sincerely,


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