Lyadov's Gym
A young grappler asked me today about my approach to training. I told him my principle is simple: sweat every day.
Twice a week, Brazilian jiu-jitsu takes care of that. It's strength training, endurance, mobility, plus a bonus: therapy and a social club all in one.
The other days, I train at home with kettlebells, a mace, and resistance bands.
While explaining my priorities to him, I surprised myself with an insight:
Because of my knee problems, one day is focused on them.
Because of my lower back issues, another day is dedicated to it.
Then, because of my knees again, "leg day" always follows.
Training the problem forearms and neck completes the cycle.
I realized that I have to work on strengthening my weak points.
For five decades, my body has been collecting the consequences of my mistakes. A reckless jump as a child, a bad throw in my youth, neglect later on—you name it.
Unfortunately, after an injury, your body never returns to how it was.
The choice is simple: either swallow pills all the time or strengthen the muscle and ligament system around your "bottleneck."
The idea is like the central frame of a skyscraper, the larch wood piles holding up Venice, or the sheathing of electrical cables.
You can’t completely fix an injury, but you can—and should—improve the framework’s durability. In the process, all the other healthy muscles and ligaments get involved. The body works as a whole.
That’s how a harmful factor starts to bring real benefits.
Yours sincerely,
About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.
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