Chronos, Relax! / by Alexander Lyadov

When does time feel too slow?

For example, when we feel bad:

  • in pain,

  • feeling sick,

  • bored,

  • sad about losing something valuable,

  • desperate to get what we don’t have right now.

And when do we stop noticing time? It’s when we’re fully immersed in the flow of life instead of watching it from the sidelines. The measure of existence loses all meaning.

A person frees himself from desires, attachments, and suffering. It’s like a glimpse of nirvana—a perfect world of the gods.

That’s why a creator reacts to interruptions in his work like a fish being pulled from the water. He was truly alive just moments ago, and suddenly, a symbolic death arrives.

Alas, it’s impossible to stay in the Garden of Eden forever. But if you don’t at least peek in once in a while, can you really say you exist?

Blessed is he who often tells Chronos, “Can’t you see I’m busy? Wait.”

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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