Your Time Machine / by Alexander Lyadov

"Get to your studies! The exam is just a month away," says the mother.

"A whole month! There's plenty of time!" protests the youngster.

Perception of time drastically changes with age. The younger the kid, the more they live in the present. What was and what might be rarely bother them.

As the years go by, the past and future gnaw at pieces of the present. One day, they devour all the space inside that exists.

Now, like a pendulum, man swings from the past to the future, back and forth. And only occasionally do they succeed in forgetting about them, dissolving into existence.

For instance:

  • during an extreme situation,

  • emotional intimacy,

  • challenging work,

  • physical activity,

  • engaging game,

  • creativity,

  • orgasm.

It's clear that the present loses ground for a reason. Analyzing the past and preparing for the future not only helps achieve goals but also survive in this unpredictable world.

Unfortunately, the defense mechanism often goes too far, and people begin to suffer from imagined guilt and unlikely fears. In such rocky soil, truly creative ideas don't grow.

Conclusion: a mature people need to master their "time machine." They should travel between the past, present, and future at their will, not getting stuck suddenly in any of them.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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