Your Hidden Strength / by Alexander Lyadov

It's remarkably easy to tire out a small group of muscles, like your trapezius or forearms. After 25-50 repetitions, the muscle becomes completely 'fatigued.' Trying to muster up willpower is pointless because the physical resources of muscle fibers are exhausted.

Now, let's talk about the big guys - the quadriceps in your thighs. They can handle a monumental workload. Back when I was training at home, I would pick up a 24 kg kettlebell and do several sets of squats, 15-25 reps each. My muscles would swell and protest, signaling that I was nearing my limit. Currently, I'm recovering from a sports injury to my knee. My rehab specialist tasked me with doing 200 squats with two 16 kg kettlebells. To my surprise, I accomplished it.

The first 50 squats are tough, and anything beyond 100 seems impossible. But I command myself to keep going. My thighs groan and complain, but they get the job done. After that, I do eight more different leg exercises. So, I can't really fathom where the limit is for quadriceps. It appears that the mind gives in much earlier than the big muscles. Hmm, then what is the body as a whole capable of?

If you unite your muscles, ligaments, and nerves, empower them with will, fuel them with creativity, and steer them with your mind, the idea of physical limits becomes almost comical. You have no idea what you're really capable of. You can only discover it after achieving what was necessary, even if it wasn't what you initially desired.

Sincerely yours,


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