Free Spirit / by Alexander Lyadov

True entrepreneurs do not depend on circumstances.

Place them in the wilderness; they'll establish a berry supply.

Take away their business, and they'll soon create another.

Instead of losing the B2B segment, they'll master B2C.

They'll shift from offline to online.

Or the other way around.

No matter what hand fate deals them, they stay in the game.

Why? Their life's purpose is to create Something out of Nothing.

In mud, chaos, and darkness, they see hidden potential.

That's why they're unbreakable, adaptable, and always relevant.

Greater freedom is possessed only by mature personalities.

Whatever fate throws at these people, they grow.

Every experience fuels their self-discovery fire.

Even in the toughest situations, they radiate light and warmth.

They are few in number, but that's okay.

It only takes one lighthouse to save many ships in a storm.

Sincerely yours,


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