Writing the Poem of Life / by Alexander Lyadov

I hate problems and love them at the same time.

They fascinate me as a phenomenon impossible to fully grasp.

Without problems, we'd have to invent them.

And that's what happens when there's too much safety and comfort.

Maslow was wrong; self-actualization and creativity don't happen.

No, people immediately begin to tear down everything, everyone and themselves.

I explain it by the fact that a person can't live without meaning.

Unfortunately, only a few can independently seek it.

And problems? They're a reliable way to inject some meaning.

Attempting to survive is, in fact, answering the question: 'For what?'

Sounds a bit hopeless, doesn't it?

We solve one problem and unconsciously pick up another.

They seem to happen to us, and we call it an unfortunate fate.

The way out is to change your attitude to the inevitable.

No problems, no life? Okay, then I'll choose the ones I fancy.

Seizing the initiative, you turn problems into your poems.

Sincerely yours,


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