Why Starting Point and Achievements Don't Matter? / by Alexander Lyadov

Achieving an ambitious goal doesn't guarantee happiness.

In fact, some founders sink into a gloomy depression after successfully selling their business.

Ironically, the attributes of success only exacerbate their problems.

Satisfaction should be a given... but it's not. How come?

The meaning that had been driving the founders for years has disappeared, leaving them in an empty void they didn't bother to fill.

The same feeling arises when fate, without asking, takes away the things that gave people the energy to work, learn, and create.

At the same time, there are plenty of examples of people starting from a hopelessly losing position and managing to live a tremendously interesting, fulfilling, and productive life.

It turns out that it doesn't matter where you start and where you end up.

What matters is making progress from one point to another.

Even a tiny step in the desired direction is enough to create a surge of mood, optimism, and strength.

As neurobiologist Andrew Huberman explains, when you're confident that you're on the right track, your body produces the "anticipation hormone" dopamine.

If it's so effective and simple, what's the catch?

It's difficult, firstly, to humbly accept the current undesirable state as the starting point, and, second, it's challenging to honestly articulate where it makes sense for you to end up.

Yours sincerely,


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