From Implicit to Explicit: The Path to Achieving Your Goals / by Alexander Lyadov

If you don't have a home, does that mean you're homeless?

Perhaps yes, and perhaps no.

Yes, if your life is stuck, like in the movie "Groundhog Day".

No, if every step, even if slow, brings you closer to your desired goal.

From the outside, neither appears to have anything other than a void.

But that's a misconception, because everything tangible was once implicit.

It's not about having the form, but about the process that creates it.

Those around you cannot see your process because it happens secretly within you.

That's why society tends to devalue what cannot be grasped (yet).

It's even worse when someone ignores or belittles their own process.

Therefore, the task is not to show others the scaffolding and floors.

The key is to have a clear vision of the future home in your mind and to recognize the value of each step you take today.

Will your home be built in 3, 5, or 7 years? That's secondary.

So, while you may not have a sturdy and comfortable home yet, it already exists, constantly warming, grounding, and recharging you.

Yours sincerely,


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