Why prune grapes? / by Alexander Lyadov

You, like me, are hardly an agronomist, but you have probably heard that grapes are regularly pruned. Although the bush looks tidier after this procedure, the point of pruning is not beauty at all. The main purpose is to maintain an effective balance between the top and bottom of the bush. This prevents the bush from being overloaded, prevents it from getting too big, speeds up the growth of the desired shoots, and increases the yield. In addition, pruning rejuvenates the plant, making it less vulnerable to external stimuli. In other words, you absolutely cannot do without pruning grapes.

Let’s imagine a beginner grape grower who is in a stupor, unable to decide which young shoots to cut off and which to keep. They are all equally precious to him, for each shoot represents a potential opportunity. And if the neophyte is endowed with a vivid imagination, impressionability, and empathy, he simply cannot have the hand to "take a life", depriving a vine shoot of the chance to realize its "unique mission on earth". Sounds absurd, doesn't it?

But that’s how the founder feels about the many new ideas that promise to dramatically grow his business. Similar feelings are felt by an entrepreneur when, due to a shocking change in the market, it becomes necessary to downsize the team that he has been gathering for years piece by piece. Or an inexperienced investor who guesses that zombie projects suck too much blood, i.e. attention, but does not dare to kill them: “But there is hope? They hardly lose any money." Yes, but it’s not growing either. And investor attention is an even more limited resource than capital.

In order to properly, timely and confidently prune the "shoots", at any given moment you need to remember what the physical meaning of your business is. It all starts with answering the question, “Заради чого? ¿Para qué? What for?”.

Sincerely yours,


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