Looking for the trail / by Alexander Lyadov

The instructor hides my dog’s favorite toy for him to find. Observing the pet’s actions, I involuntarily draw parallels with human behavior. Everything happens in exactly the same way. At first he searches enthusiastically, but superficially, looking in familiar places, obviously relying on luck. When it turns out that there is no low-hanging fruit, the level of anxiety increases greatly. His movements become more chaotic, he paces from side to side and searches again where he was already looking. It’s becoming clear that there will be no tribute or clue, so he can only rely on himself. At last the search becomes real. The nose sticks to the ground, thoroughly exploring every inch of it. Primal instincts awaken that he may not have known he had. The whole organism turns into a super-sensitive nose, which catches not even traces, but the slightest hint. Such total immersion in the process cannot but be rewarded. Sooner or later the desired target is sure to be discovered.

Recently I talked to a founder who managed to sell one of his projects, while another project was frozen by the war. He was seriously puzzled about what to do next. The past had lost relevance, and the future had not yet given a clear sign. I know from my own experience this suspended state, when the energy to live and create is corked, like a genie in a bottle. Trying to take on project X, Y and Z is only discouraging: “Eh, it’s all wrong.” The stress of trampling in one place builds up inside. The man continues to search diligently for something, but the poison of doubt creeps into his heart. The entrepreneur confessed, “What if nothing ever resonates in me? A similar fear is sometimes felt by writers looking at a blank screen with an impatiently blinking cursor: “What if new lines never arise in me again?”

Of course, that’s not the case. As soon as a molecule of the right scent touches the dog’s nose, the whole body rallies and optimizes the search in the spirit of the children’s game of cold-hot. My dog doesn’t doubt himself. You, too, trust more in the wisdom of your subconscious. Keep searching.

Yours sincerely,


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