When You Welcome Novelty? / by Alexander Lyadov

Will you play with friends if you know the outcome of the game? Maybe once, for the sake of pleasure: "I control everything." But not more. Predictability nullifies interest.

Real life always contains an element of surprise. We feel our pulse only when it quickens at the "A-ha!" moment.

If there's no hint of novelty, life turns into routine. Days and years pass, and we, like wasps, get stuck in the syrup. When there's too much automation, there's an impulse to catapult.

Turns out, we need uncertainty. We don't want to know for sure what the future holds for us.

There's just one "but." We're not against pleasant surprises and can even tolerate minor disappointments. But only if we avoid catastrophic failure.

The more protected we are, the more we welcome novelty.

There are at least two ways to ensure such protection. The most obvious one is to increase the level of knowledge, skills, and resources, so that resilience amortizes any harmful effects.

There's another type of protection. It's when you have nothing to lose. Either you've already lost everything, or you've mentally decided: "Arrivederci."

In this vein, voluntarily immersing oneself in comfort, idleness, and pleasure is self-destruction.

While self-restraint is the path to freedom, prosperity, and meaning.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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