How to Secure a Strong Exit? / by Alexander Lyadov

The essence of business lies in the ability to create value.

With your involvement in the project, there's a "before-after" delta. It's one thing—thousands of dollars, another—billions. It's clear when you're flying off the shelves.

Soon, it becomes evident that being a value generator isn't enough.

You need to not only grow but also harvest the crop. Otherwise, you remain the author while the beneficiary is always someone else.

Sure, you can hone tough negotiation skills to avoid getting squeezed out during the final split. But usually, creators abhor the very paradigm of transactional relationships, zero-sum games, and so on.

Negotiations are ideal when unnecessary, while their function is self-attained. For this, you must be in the strongest position possible. You have it only once—BEFORE the project begins.

Remember—strong exits are crafted at the entrance.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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