Want a Guarantee of Exciting Growth? Respect the Game / by Alexander Lyadov

What's worse than losing in a wrestling match, not counting injuries?

Your opponent lets you know that it's so easy for him that it's boring. Or worse, he starts visibly giving in to you with a contemptuous smirk on his face. In street language, this means he's showing you "disrespect."

The problem is that now the Game has lost all meaning. Your opponent hasn't realized it yet, but with his disrespect, he's not just scratching your ego or tarnishing his own reputation, he's destroying the very essence of why both of you came to the mat.

Jiu-jitsu, like tango or business, is a social game that cannot be played transactionally, much less alone. All the most engaging games involve many rounds over many years, not only for the enjoyment but also for growing in skills alongside increasing complexity.

Therefore, if you want to achieve heights in business, dance, or sport, then Task No. 1 is to carefully choose, and then motivate, each of your partners to fully engage in the game. In other words, it's your responsibility too, to keep your partner's interest in the Game alive.

Yours sincerely,


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