Unlocking the Secrets of Your Transformation / by Alexander Lyadov

Imagine yourself as an experienced gardener. One day, you come across the seeds of an unfamiliar plant. Perhaps a recent typhoon brought them to your island. Out of curiosity, you decide to plant these strange seeds. You are not sure what will grow from them, but you do understand the general process that applies to all plants.

You probably don't know specifically what this type of plant needs. You have to be extremely attentive not to accidentally kill it. You create conditions favorable for it to develop - planting the seeds in black soil, providing water, putting up a fence to protect them from wild animals, etc. Finally, the first sprouts appear. Gradually, the delicate plant transforms into a luxurious tree. Its appearance alone already adorns your garden. Every day, you observe some progress. However, you still do not understand when the strange tree will start bearing fruit or what its fruit will look like. Therefore, you continue to carefully care for it and patiently wait for the culmination of the process.

With an anomalous plant, anything is possible. It can surprise you tomorrow or, conversely, keep the intrigue for several years. Once it happens, you will know the entire cycle from sowing to harvesting. And, if you like the collected fruits, you can repeat this cycle again. Instead of uncertainty, there will be knowledge.

Most of us spend a significant part of our lives studying the features of growing known plant species, figuratively speaking. And we become exceptionally good at it, achieving universal recognition, prosperity, and self-respect. But one day, we wake up with a vague longing that this is not all. It's as if we're missing something important, without which our life is not a life. Over time, the vague feeling grows, turning into a physically palpable need - an existential hunger, a metaphysical void.

If you approach this unusual state with respect and attention, an exciting and rewarding experiment awaits you. You just have to refrain from running away, hiding, or plugging the emptiness inside you with artificial substitutes. One day, the wind of change will inevitably throw strange seeds into your garden. More precisely, it regularly threw them there; you just didn't notice them before.

Metamorphosis (from ancient Greek μεταμόρφωσις, meaning "transformation") is a mysterious process that unfortunately is not taught anywhere today. Everyone has to rediscover it for themselves. Fortunately, the process of transformation is one, eternal and universal. And it doesn't matter in which area it will start for you. For some, radical changes will occur in their business, for others in creativity, for the third in their family, and for the fourth in sports.

Just remember that you are not just a confused and intrigued gardener. You are also fertile soil, seeds of an unknown plant, warm sun, and the water of life.

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