Unseen Gifts / by Alexander Lyadov

Today, I spent nearly an hour diving into the IG account of ​Flowers Gallery​.

Even though the artworks on display are wildly different, you can feel the high standard. Turns out, this English gallery was founded in 1970. In fifty years, it’s only natural that taste evolves.

Some people have the gift of creating something out of nothing. Others have the gift of recognizing their gift.

I get that. Even though I’ve worked in various positions and industries, I’ve always searched for and found talented people. Whether they were creatives, salespeople, strategists in advertising, bold entrepreneurs in venture capital, or strong personalities among the founders in business therapy today.

I’m not sure how, but I see the divine spark in people. Even when someone tries to downplay it or hide it from the world. When I help someone embrace their gift, I feel like my life has meaning.

That’s why it’s hard to explain what exactly I do and how.

It’s not about knowledge, skills, or tools—though they help. It’s about a particular way of seeing people. You see light through the darkness of their problems, the weight of their self-criticism, and the shame of feeling different.

That light makes everything else worth it. In fact, people's problems seem to solve themselves, and their confidence grows in proportion to how much they recognize and release that light into the world.

A famous music producer, Rick Rubin, ​put it well​:

Journalist: “Do you play instruments?”

Rick: “Barely.”

Journalist: “Do you know how to work a soundboard?”

Rick: “No. I have no technical ability. And I know nothing about music.”

Journalist: “Then you must know something.”

Rick: “Well, I know what I like and what I don’t like. And I’m decisive about what I like and don’t like.”

Journalist: “So what have you been paid for?”

Rick: “The confidence I have in my taste and my ability to express what I feel has been helpful to artists.”

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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