Truth and Lies / by Alexander Lyadov

Being closer to the truth is really tough. The difficulty is, for example, the need to engage in argument or conflict more often, as many relationships are woven with threads of lies. There is also the concern of accidentally scratching or bruising someone, as one can deeply err even in their 'rightness.' But even if there is no miss, not everyone can bear the weight of truth. It is also interesting how speech changes. Sincerity compels one to choose words slowly and with significant effort. Meanwhile, clichés and formalities effortlessly flow.

Yet, apart from these and other inconveniences, proximity to the truth holds its benefits. Primarily, there is a kind of fundamental stability, as if you are emerging onto the shore of an island from tumultuous waves. Yes, while the bonfire of truth incinerates heaps of lies, you might sweat and perhaps incur burns. But afterward, your feet stand on solid ground, revealing boundless horizons. For a time there is equanimity, tranquillity, and clarity in your soul.

From this state, making decisions and taking action becomes surprisingly easy. It is like a tightrope walker in the fog; your priority is simple - step forward while maintaining your balance. Concerns about the uncertain future wane. After all, the desired destination is undeniably there when the rope is anchored on the other side.

Sincerely yours,


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