How to Make (or Ruin) a Client's Day / by Alexander Lyadov

As soon as I hopped into a Bolt taxi, the driver had a quibble with me. He was like, "Why didn't I close the door right away, when he had the AC on?" By his logic, the customer shouldn't worry about their own business or destination, but about the condition of someone else's car. Such little things reveal a person who is not in their rightful place. In the service game, especially without a standout feature, the key is to meet the customer's basic expectations without causing any hassle. The goal is simple: safely take them from point A to point B. Making a taxi customer happy is tough, but there are plenty of ways to ruin their day. Like breaking traffic rules, blasting music, dumping your problems on them, smoking or swearing at everyone and everything.

The day before, we dropped by a regular branch of PrivatBank, where they treated us like family. The branch boss and two managers fixed all our issues as smoothly and swiftly as a pit stop team changes tires on a Formula-1 car. We smiled the whole day from this rare combination of humanity and professionalism. All three bank employees were clearly in the right place. There is no doubt that helping strangers brought them meaning and joy.

To succeed in the service business, you need one of two things:

  1. Either become a unique expert in a narrow field,

  2. Or genuinely value relationships and love people.

In the first case, your skill generates such massive value that customers are willing to forgive you for almost anything. In the second case, instead of a banal service, the customer leaves with a gift: "I'm Human. I'm valuable. I'm not alone."

Sincerely yours,


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