The Thorny Path of the Entrepreneur / by Alexander Lyadov

Few want or can be entrepreneurs.

There are at least three reasons for that:

First, you have to manage intangible things. An accountant enters checks into a ready-made system following established rules. A top manager scales a model set up by someone else. Yet, a founder weaves a see-through cocoon of unseen threads for a butterfly yet to come.

Second, you must endure uncertainty. Started a coworking network? Get hit by Covid. Built a factory for your own cosmetics brand? Here comes a war. Your SaaS business doubled every year? Unfortunately, after the stock market correction, investors care about profits, not growth. The founder can't say, "I'm tired" and quit. He must create an island of stability, even when the whole world seems to be falling apart.

Third, you'll have to wait a long time to see results. The greater the time lag between action and consequence, the more the mind drowns in anxiety. It is hard to orient, learn, and adapt oneself. How to find motivation to conquer hardships before the breakthrough arrives in year 5, 10, or 15?

Not everyone needs to become an entrepreneur. But you will achieve more in business and life if you make progress in these three aspects.

Yours sincerely,


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