The speed of transformation / by Alexander Lyadov

The development of complex systems is usually non-linear. Society, business, and the individual are no exception. Like gold miners, we have been successfully exploiting a plot of land for some time. But everything eventually has an end, especially the things that are valuable and useful to us.

So scientists find themselves confined to the limits of the accepted scientific paradigm, which is no longer able to explain the growing number of anomalies. Frustration, despair and a sense of deadlock grow in their community. Wolfgang Pauli wrote to a friend a month before Heisenberg’s paper on matrix mechanics pointed the way to a new quantum theory: “At the moment physics is again terribly confused. At any rate, it is too difficult for me; I would rather write scripts for movie comedies or something like that and never hear about physics” [1].

According to the historian Thomas Kuhn, all this marks the transition from a normal phase of scientific development to a revolutionary one. A paradigm shift is required, so that the scientific community breathes a sigh of relief and enthusiastically continues to push the boundaries of the known worlds. Less than five months later, Pauli said: “Heisenberg’s type of mechanics has again given me hope and joy in life. To be sure it does not supply the solution to the riddle, but I believe it is again possible to march forward.”

If such a transition were a trivial matter, all systems would renew and evolve much faster. But the profound transformation of form (Greek “μεταμόρφωσις”) is a sacred process, that is, one that has to do with the suprarational, the divine, the otherworldly. The “before” and “after” states are obvious to all. The mystery is what happens “in-between”. Therefore, at all times a special kind of people have helped to bring about transformation. For the state — it is a charismatic leader, for the scientific community — a visionary scientist, for the individual — a shaman, priest or psychotherapist. It is impossible to delegate the transformation of a business or a person, but it is possible to speed up the process many times over.

Sincerely yours,


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