Perspective / by Alexander Lyadov

The lack of a long-term vision comes at too high a cost. Although at first glance it seems like it shouldn’t be a problem. Just react spontaneously to opportunities that arise along the way, and enjoy being, breathing in the wind of change. But this is in fantasy; in practice, it’s different.

Perhaps the Buddha could, like a fish, swim with the current of life freely and easily. But most of us are far from such mastery. Something is constantly going wrong in our perception. Daily expectations fail to materialize, to-do plans crumble, and barriers arise at every turn. Any such small bummer is not worth attention, but together they resemble “凌迟” (pinyin), literally: “death by a thousand cuts,” a protracted Chinese execution in the Middle Ages. No wonder there are so many irritated people in traffic jams, even in a fed-up Western metropolis. Nothing deprives the mind of peace like a lack of control over one’s life in trivial little things.

It is different when one has some kind of vision of one’s future in perspective. It is not about detailing in the style of a geodetic map. Quite enough image, drawn with rough brush strokes. But an image that is dear to the person, and therefore irresistibly attracted to him. In this case, any incident of the day is perceived through the prism of a long-term perspective. One constantly asks oneself: “Is this event distancing me or bringing me closer to my goal? Or is it just Brownian noise?” There is less nervousness, stupor and fuss in his life because he has the luxury of choosing his attitude toward sudden change. In turn, calm observation allows in any phenomenon to see not only the harm everyone understands, but also the unobvious benefit.

If your business has long-term goals, the question is, does its founder have a clear vision?

Yours sincerely,


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