The Signal of (In)Sanity / by Alexander Lyadov

Humanity is just starting to grasp the impact of its actions.

Take, for instance, social media and the internet.

The fabric of society held up for 300 thousand years, and now it's tearing at the seams.


In relationships, the Noise : Signal ratio is changing fast.

According to stats, 13% of the world's population – around 971 million people – deal with some mental disorder.

Today, many of them got hold of a super-powered microphone.

If they've got free time and are fixated on an idea, they team up and passionately broadcast their nonsense to the whole world.

In a small community, it was clear who not to listen to. But now, we're increasingly communicating remotely, sometimes with strangers and often with unknown folks. It's tough to figure out who's who.

Plus, you're in a vulnerable spot from the get-go. Writer Charles Bukowski noted, "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts. While the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

Even worse, by the age of 75, ​half the world's population​ will go through a mental health disorder. And, yeah, you and I aren't immune to that risk.

So, what's the takeaway?

  1. Be even more selective about who speaks on the bullhorn.

  2. Seek, shape, and cherish a circle of sensible people.

  3. Ignore most comments on the social web.

Sincerely yours,


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