Dissolving Into Life / by Alexander Lyadov

Do you feel anxious about the future or regretful about the past?

Personally, I do, and quite often. Like a spoon of tar, they poison the honey of my life. But there are moments when the bad thoughts evaporate, like smoke.

For instance, when I:

  • Write a new article,

  • Open up to a therapist,

  • Immerse myself in an ice bath,

  • Listen to a fascinating interview,

  • Practice techniques with a partner,

  • Help a client find a solution to a tough problem, and so on.

In those moments, I'm like a handful of table salt NaCl. If you throw salt into a glass of water, what happens? It disappears, but at the same time, it remains itself. Instead of solid crystals, there's a uniform solution.

That's how I dissolve into the task (activity, environment) that is greater than me. Even if it takes an extra effort, I feel good. Instead of regrets and worries, I feel:

  • Determination, even a bit of audacity,

  • Openness to novelty,

  • Energy to create,

  • Serenity,

  • Meaning, and so on.

It is as if there's no past or future here, so there's nothing to worry about. 'As if' because the most valuable from everything ever experienced is used in this moment. And paradoxically, such "dissolving" activity is the optimal care for the impending day.

Dissolve into Life – is a clearer hint needed on what must change?

Sincerely yours,


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