The Secret of Burnout / by Alexander Lyadov

Hey CEO, is employee burnout a hot topic for you?

A person loses motivation, falls ill, and resigns. The latter usually happens suddenly. Your company stumbles and loses pace.

Although the ending is the same, there are many roads to it.

Unfortunately, not in all cases can a leader help.

For example, if an employee is eager to burn out. This is not said out loud. Usually, the person is not even aware of it themselves.

It would look like this:

CEO: "It's already evening. You've stayed late again. Go home."

Manager: "Oh, I'm perfectly fine! I'll finish this pile and be done."

CEO: "But you look exhausted! I even allowed you to hire an assistant or pass the project to a colleague. She has the resources available."

Manager: "No worries. It's temporary. I can handle it myself."

To understand what's happening, you need to understand the benefits of the "fire victim":

  • A reason to be proud of themselves: "I've given you everything."

  • Release from the guilt that torments them the rest of the time.

  • Proof of their beliefs: "The cruel world is trying to devour me."

  • Self-admiration through tragedy: "How epic my burning is!"

  • Escape from control: "Leave me alone, I'm doing my best."

  • Pleasure from the futile attempts of others to save them.

  • Ability to manipulate, instilling guilt in others.

It's obvious that only the arsonist can put out that fire. For one, it requires approaching the abyss. For the other, it's about growing weary of this futile game.

What should the CEO do? Avoid hiring people who brag about their lack of vacations and the sleepless nights they spend at work. Let them fix themselves first.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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