The Paradox of Building Systems / by Alexander Lyadov

Building a system is always non-systemic (at the beginning).

Most managers find it difficult to understand and accept this fact.

To create a new order, one must first dive into chaos.

You need to search for the cat in a dark room, risking that it may not be there.

All activity will seem ineffective, empty, and foolish.

It is a true torture for a conscientious and responsible man.

Essentially, creating a system from scratch is a leap of faith.

The creator believes: Sooner or later he will make something out of nothing.

He relies not so much on special skills as on values.

The trials are bearable because the creator has a meaning that redeems them.

Now we can formulate the difference between a founder and a manager.

They have different answers to the question: "What for?"

Yours sincerely,


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