Reluctant Leadership / by Alexander Lyadov

I didn't want to be CEO.

Yet, I reluctantly agreed at the request of the shareholders.

Becoming a co-founder of a group of companies hadn't crossed my mind. Fate, however, presented an opportunity, and I begrudgingly accepted.

A similar scenario unfolded later when an acquaintance investor dazzled me with a proposition: to create and manage a $50 million investment fund. It took time to convince me, but eventually, I acquiesced.

It's believed that great achievements require insatiable ambitions. However, my unusual career illustrates that unique opportunities come to us if we put our heart and soul into what we do.

Why? Because we create exceptional value for others only when we forget ourselves. Passionate resolution of others' problems yields rapid learning and exponential growth. It's only a matter of time before Mr. Market notices our progress and rewards us.

First, function matures; then, form gradually follows suit.

Yours sincerely,


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