The Paradox of Addiction: How Studying Your Obsessions Can Lead to the Top / by Alexander Lyadov

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I won't forget the words of a drug addict: 'You wouldn't understand. The high I get from a dose is such an otherworldly pleasure, compared to which everything in normal life is empty and gray nothingness.' Once the addiction to the source of artificial nirvana takes hold, who would willingly want to leave the Garden of Eden?

But it seems that there are no people completely without addiction. Since the awakening of consciousness, a person feels a gaping hole inside. Essentially, it's an existential fear of death, although it takes many forms - fear of illness, old age, loneliness, punishment, consumption, rejection, pain, guilt, madness, helplessness, etc. This "black hole" can't be completely closed, but it can't be left open either. If nothing is done, there is an inexorable slide into the abyss. It's no wonder that in desperation, people cling to anything that promises salvation, even if only temporary. By chance, genetics, environment, and upbringing, people find different "hooks" to cling to life, allowing them to function — learn, work, start a family, do business, etc.

So it turns out that one cannot live without addiction, but as we know, the thirst for pleasure also destroys a person. The way out of the impasse is paradoxical - one's specific addiction needs to be studied, understood, and systematically replaced. The worst form of addiction is narrow, rigid, and material. Examples include sweets, gambling, porn, drugs, and alcohol. It's better if there are several obsessions, and they are lightweight, such as ambitious business, intense creativity, and competitive sports. The ideal is to transform one's addiction from solid to liquid, and then to a gaseous form. So philosophy, art and religion are not mere whims, but the surest way to gain a foothold and rise to the highest possible heights.

Yours sincerely,


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