Efficiency in Swimming and Business / by Alexander Lyadov

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Seeing me swim, people usually complimented me. However, deep down, I realized that things weren't quite right because I taught myself to swim as a child. I could stay afloat and even look impressive, as I emulated good swimmers. But it's one thing to copy external form, and another thing to study the function that creates that form.

Understanding the difference in normal conditions, say, at the beach, is difficult. Everything changes when you need to swim for a long time, with waves, or in cold water. When life circumstances push a person to the brink of his or her abilities, the swimmer's efficiency characteristic — the coefficient of performance (COP) —becomes valuable. Just like in venture capital, proper movement and breathing technique allows for a return on investment of 10, 100, or 1000x. Just imagine the current record for the longest continuous swim, held by American Sarah Thomas. In 2019, she crossed the English Channel four times without stopping, covering a distance of 209 kilometers in 54 hours and 10 minutes.

What distinguishes a black belt from a white belt? And a seasoned wolf from a clumsy puppy? The absence of unnecessary movements and the ability to achieve colossal results from virtually nothing. That's why observing a Master's work elicits awe and wonder in the average person. After all, it looks like superpowers, magic, or wizardry. Fortunately, the magic is quite accessible to anyone willing to devote n-number of iterations, not years, to learning the technique. I remember my amazement when, after taking on an experienced coach, my swimming style radically changed in just a few months of practice, and my COP increased as well.

And is it any different in business? All entrepreneurs learns to swim on their own. The best of them are not satisfied with just staying afloat. They tirelessly seek out Leverage, i.e. carriers of technology and sources of knowledge that will ensure their business doesn't lose anything, but gains everything.

Yours sincerely,


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