The Founder's Faith / by Alexander Lyadov

In the beginning, there's nothing. Just the Founder.

He's not self-obsessed like the others. He's open to the world but keeps his inner connection intact.

In other words, a founder is "and-and," not "either-or."

The fisherman fades away. All that remains is the float, sensitive to the slightest signals. In the market chaos, the founder tries to spot the new trend in time.

He hooks the Big Idea.

But its magnitude is clear only to him. For a long time, everyone around will consider him a fool, an adventurer, or a dreamer.

Nothing explicit yet. You can't present or touch It. Sometimes the founder even has to invent a new language so the most astute would exclaim, "Ah, that's how? That's intriguing."

Imagine the trust one must have in the world and in oneself? Surroundings, experts, and even his senses scream that value is zero. But the founder "unfoundedly" believes the value is colossal.

Before a string of zeros, he inserts a one, which changes everything.

Nothingness turns into Something.

Essentially, it's an Act of Faith. That is, an auto-da-fé-a public burning at the stake of heretics during the XIII-XVIII centuries.

Do you understand why there are so few founders in any society?

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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