Mastery's Path / by Alexander Lyadov

Enter the Dragon (1973)

In the iconic 1973 movie "Enter the Dragon," there's an ​intriguing dialogue​ between the teacher and Bruce Lee:

Teacher: I see your Talents go beyond the mere physical level. Your skills are now at the point of spiritual insight I have several questions. What is the highest technique you hope to achieve?
Lee: To have no technique.
Teacher: Very good. What are your thoughts when facing an opponent?
Lee: There is no oppoenet.
Teacher: And why is that?
Lee: Because the word I does not exist.
Teacher: So, continue.
Lee: A good fight should be like a small play but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense but ready. Not thinking yet, not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity I do not hit. It (fist) hits all by itself.

We tread the same path in our endeavors. Initially, we master many unfamiliar techniques, learn strategy and tactics, and distinguish grains from chaff.

Over time, as the samurai Musashi expressed it, all these swords-tools become extensions of our hands. Achieving our desired goal becomes as easy as smiling.

But to the same extent that our mastery grows, our "I" must dissolve. As long as we cling to the Ego, we cannot merge with being. So the reality of what's happening remains closed.

Only at the beginner level can external factors like the absence of a teacher or the complexity of the subject limit progress. But if you've managed to climb high, the only limitation is you.

This is a universal problem of all entrepreneurs. As they grow their businesses, they keep bumping into themselves. The more they want to unlock the hidden potential of their business, the less likely they are to delude themselves.

No matter how big your problem, as always, you'll find the solution yourself. Sometimes, all you need is a gentle push. One touch, and the ripe fruit falls into your hands.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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