The Evil of Good Intentions / by Alexander Lyadov


My greatest fear is of naive people with good intentions.

Over millions of years, all primates have developed a sense of smell for malicious intent. However, benevolence overcomes defensive barriers like the Ebola virus.

The infernal blend of empathy and hysteria disorients even the most rational individuals. And the inexperienced are drawn en masse to the promise of virtue, like salmon to spawn.

Their movement resembles a crusade, a sectarian trance, or a witch hunt. The same ecstasy from moral righteousness and readiness to apply force to heretics.

In the event of a successful revolution, cynical scoundrels devour naive fanatics from within. Unfortunately, the scale of this utopia only becomes clear when cities turn to ruins. All social experiments have had a bloody finale—USSR, Cambodia, China, etc.

But what is most striking is that the repetition of tragedy teaches the 'good' people nothing. Without batting an eye, they declare, "The mistake was in the execution, not the idea itself."

Blatant evil is horrifying, but at least it can be noticed and successfully confronted.

More terrifying is the idea of universal harmony, equality, and happiness, gleaming in bulging eyes.

Yours sincerely,


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