The Delusion of a Brilliant Mind / by Alexander Lyadov

Some people live solely in their heads. They have a body, but it feels like a burden. If they could, they’d gladly rid themselves of this “bag of meat and bones.” Then their intellect could finally break free.

This is a massive misconception, one that leads them to:

  • Cut short the number of years they can do fruitful work.

  • Swing between manic excitement and deep despair.

  • Limit their intuition and the flow of fresh ideas.

  • Rob themselves of the simple joys of life.

  • Suffer from sudden illnesses and injuries.

  • Risk burning out once and for all.

  • Lose the ability to see the bigger picture.

  • Lose their moral bearings and become spiritless.

  • May break laws, exploit others, inflict pain, and more.

The problem lies in their pride. The mind has devalued the body, which it did not create. A brilliant mind dulls tragically when it rejects the gift of synergy.

“Synergy means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the behavior of their parts taken separately,” wrote Buckminster Fuller, the American architect, designer, engineer, inventor, philosopher, mathematician, writer, and poet.

The body is not just a body; it’s a bridge, an umbilical cord that connects you to the world. Just as skin feels the wind, the body senses the environment. Sixty-five million years ago, when the first primates had rudimentary minds, their bodies were already doing the work of ensuring survival and growth.

Remember, most processes in the body happen involuntarily, on their own: breathing, digestion, heartbeat, sweating, cell growth, immune system function, tissue regeneration, blood filtration in the kidneys, hormone release, metabolism, maintaining body temperature, protein synthesis, nutrient absorption, blood sugar regulation, DNA repair, and so on.

The greatest minds can do the unthinkable — accept their limits with humility and trust in the synergy between the body and the universe, even if they don't yet understand it.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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