Test of Time / by Alexander Lyadov

Certainly, in business, instant feedback is crucial. It helps fix mistakes and amplify strengths.

But sometimes, delayed feedback over many years is worth more. For time filters out the superfluous and crystallizes the essential.

Example: A former colleague wrote in a LinkedIn comment:

"Disregarding the industry, you have always been a great example of a people manager to me. After almost 20 years in my career, I can confirm this word by word. I wish you were managing people further."

I warmly remember our time working together. The struggle to find talented and unconventional team members. The selection of bold and ambitious clients. Safeguarding an atmosphere where creating Wow-products felt natural. Encouraging extra efforts for results. Not hesitating to spend company money on books, gifts, unique parties, and birthday celebrations.

But I also recall my doubts: "What if this isn't important or needed by anyone? What if I'm doing all of this in vain?" After all, it wasn't about buying office supplies but intangible things.

Though I often made mistakes, globally, I turned out to be right. Yes, we created groundbreaking projects back then. But more importantly, the experience of co-creation transformed each of us. That's unforgettable.

Sincerely yours,


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