Running from Luck / by Alexander Lyadov

It’s hard to believe, but sometimes luck stubbornly chases us. And yet, we skillfully run away, hiding and covering our tracks.

What’s more, we even grumble about fate’s hostility. We claim all our energy goes into fighting these battles against “evil.” By evil, we mean change—unwanted, inconvenient, and downright unpleasant.

Years later, we’re shocked to realize we denied the very thing we needed most. The paradox is this: we were running from ourselves. We feared the emptiness of the VIP entrance. We bit the hand extended to us. We demanded perfection.

This is pride—the mind’s arrogance in believing it knows everything ahead of time: the dynamic world, human nature, and our own potential.

The mind relies only on what it already knows. That’s its strength—and its weakness. Everything else it dismisses or, at best, meets with skepticism.

But the unknown surrounds the known, like an ocean around an island. Reality constantly startles the mind, catching it off guard. To the mind, it feels like some ferocious beast is relentlessly hunting vulnerable prey.

But it’s all illusions, hallucinations, and lies.

One day, a person collapses from exhaustion, realizing there’s nowhere left to run. He doesn’t care what happens anymore. He’s even glad it’s all about to end. He turns to face the beast and stares straight into its jaws.

And then, unexpectedly, he feels a wet nose gently touch his face, and a warm tongue lick away his tears. His fingers sink into comforting, soft fur. The vicious wolf has “turned” into a loving dog.

“My God, how wrong I was! It’s the exact opposite of what I thought.” At last, luck has caught up with you. Harness it and charge full speed ahead!

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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