Perfect Days / by Alexander Lyadov

If you haven't already, watch the 2023 film "​Perfect Days.​" It tells the story of Hirayama, a public toilet cleaner in Tokyo.

Every day for him is like the one before. The work is repetitive. His life is lonely and ascetic. His joys are small and simple.

There are no adventures, catastrophes, deep thoughts, or love dramas here. Yet, it's hard to look away. There's something special in Hirayama's work and life that many would envy.

He's content with what he has. He finds beauty in the everyday. Vintage melodies and books comfort and inspire him. Hirayama treats his work with respect, like a monk carefully dusting a Buddha statue. His life is in harmony.

In any community, you'll find successful, charismatic, diligent, and talented people. But meeting someone like Hirayama is exceedingly rare.

The fact is that bringing yourself into harmony with the world is both an enormous effort and a kind of art. Universities don't teach it. Technology won't help. You can't hack this process.

There are only guideposts, such as ancient texts, practices, and the flashes of light from harmonized souls you meet by chance.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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